Friday, 15 December 2006

Happy Friday: 15th December 2006

Hello Happy Friday Members,

It has been decided that this week's Happy Friday will be 'Happy Friday: Quiet', in recognition of the fact that several of the Happy Friday members drunk too much last night and/or are likely to drink too much tomorrow night.

Valued Happy Friday member Gary has booked Delhi Palace for 8pm. See you there.

Yours faithfully,
The Happy Friday Board

Friday, 8 December 2006

Happy Friday: 8th December 2006

Dear Happy Friday Member,

It has been decided by the Happy Friday committee, taking into account the views of valued members of the Happy Friday advisory team, that this week's Happy Friday will take place at the Delhi Palace at 8pm. There is a high likelyhood of having several drinks afterwards.

If you would like to attend, please submit your application form to the Happy Friday Board by 6pm today. You should ensure you enlcose two passport sized photos and a cheque or postal order for your £23 Happy Friday reservation fee. Please ensure you include your Happy Friday membership number with all applications. Alternatively, just turn up at the Delhi Palace at 8pm.

Yours Faithfully,
The Happy Friday Board

Thursday, 7 December 2006

Happy Friday Today

Hello and welcome to Happy Friday News.

Recently, many Happy Friday members have mentioned that they have not been receiving their weekly 'Happy Friday Today' newsletter and are unclear about the correct procedures surrounding Happy Friday. This has led to much chaos and misunderstanding when planning Happy Friday events.

This blog is intended to keep everyone up to date with the complex yet rewarding world of Happy Friday and enable Happy Fridays to run much more smoothly.